Registration on Zway UK

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Free Business Apps

Please use this pack of excellent business applications with our compliments.

  • At Zway, our aim is to empower smaller business to compete head-on with larger enterprises that can afford to pay for all of this. Now you have the same power, only you don't have to pay every month. Zway would, in turn, be delighted to receive your remarks, comments or complaints. We want to keep improving these applications to empower your business. Any feedback is great.
  • Please contact Zway to discuss your modifications and automation requests in addition to the standard applications.
  • Just because this is free, does not mean we have compromised on security. Your data is protected in the same way as any of our other paying clients with the highest level of tested security packages.

The Zway Team

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
All screens add your own information quickly and easily using import from any spreadsheet or CSV file.
The Zway Business Automation Suite is fully supported. For Service affecting faults, you must only email stating the nature of the fault and your username and company name.
A "Fair use policy" has been designed in the Zway terms and conditions to ensure the service is not over-used and the speed of the service can be maintained for most users. With this in mind, an overall 10 Gb of information per company is advised as the maximum amount of information that can be stored for free. Upgrades can be provided though to access more storage.
We need to know you are really an informed user. In these days of annoying robots trying to spoil every good thing we do, it is necessary to check you are, who you say you are. Sorry! Zway will never, ever, sell or provide your information to any 3rd party company. Not ever, not for any reason. However, by using our excellent Zway Business Automation service you will be allowing Zway to keep you informed about the very best of breed solutions to your business woes. We will keep these communications short and inobtrusive. Zway is also fully on-board with the excellent GDPR regulations designed to keep us all safe and undisturbed, so just a simple click on any email we send, will remove your data from our marketing communications.
Yes. At any time you wish, you can utilise any of the "Export" functions available on most list views in most applications. This will enable you to download your own information in spreadsheet format to your own PC. Additionally, once you choose to delete data from the Zway service, that information is DELETED!
Questions? We`ll put you on the right path. Ask about ZWAY products, pricing, implementation, or anything else.
Our knowledgeable reps are standing by, ready to help.
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